Master Parks Plan - RFP# TOSEDM 2019-1

Bid/RFP Status: 
Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Friday, March 29, 2019 - 4:00pm
Bid/RFP Reference Number: 
TOSEDM 2019-1

RFP Questions and Responses


Can the Town provide documents that confirm the properties that constitute the ‘Park System’? Town Park/Pool and Strasburg Square are included in the full scope of the work. The Visitor and Information Center is leased by the Town. We would like the selected firm to also take a broad look at municipalities in the surrounding area to identify needs within the area park system as well. 
Will the Town provide site plans for each of these park properties? The Town has site plans for Strasburg Square, but not the Town Park and Pool.
Can the Town provide documents that identify locations of existing and planned trails? Please reference the Town's Comprehensive Plan (map #4.2) on our website.
The RFP (item #5) asks for the consultant to “prioritize and valuate…potential future park acquisitions…”; what does this mean? This should read- Prioritize and valuate additional park improvements and potential future park acquisitions and their development. Attention should be given to reducing long term maintenance costs. Identify potential grant funding and/or partnership opportunities. 
Submission information includes “pricing for the various deliverables of the project” but these are not identified. Please clarify what deliverables are anticipated. Each item listed in the scope should be included in the deliverables. The firm should outline how they intend to meet the needs identified within the scope. 
Submission information requests examples of previous work, how many project examples are required? 3-5 examples that demonstrate the firm's ability to meet the Town's needs would be appreciated.
Does the Town have an agreed upon budget for the Master Plan project? A budget has not been established for this project. 
Does the Town want a Master Plan product that matches the format and extent of the 2002 Plan, or does the Town want a new Plan with more detail? The Town is looking for a new plan with more detail, and anticipates that some elements from the 2002 plan will be similar in the updated plan. 
Referencing the second item under Section II. Scope of Services, how many existing parks does the Town currently own and maintain The Town currently owns  two parks (Strasburg Square and "Town Park"), but additionally, it maintains a small pocket park called Hometown Park and the Visitor Center property. 
Does the Town consider off-road trails (connecting separate parks) as part of the existing and future park system? Yes
How many public meetings would the Town like to host as part of the Master Plan development process? We look to the firm to establish the adequate number and type of public meetings for community buy-in of the plan; however, the Town is hosting multiple community-centric events in the coming year that should be considered opportunities for public engagement.